Customize review widget theme

Customize the Product Review Widget theme options

The Review Widget offers four distinct theme options to enhance the visual appeal and presentation of your customer reviews. Choose the theme that best matches your store’s design and preferences to create an engaging and cohesive customer experience.

Step 1: From the app admin page, click Settings.

Step 2: In Settings > Review Widget tab > Click the Widget Themes menu.

Step 3: Click or select the theme that aligns with your store’s design preferences.

Theme Options

1. List View Design Style-1

List View Design Style-1 provides a clean and organized layout for showcasing customer reviews. This style offers an elegant and straightforward presentation.

2. List View Design Style-2

List View Design Style-2 offers an alternative list view layout with its unique design elements. It provides a visually appealing way to display reviews.

3. Design Grid Style-1

Design Grid Style-1 presents customer reviews in a grid format. This style is suitable for stores looking to showcase reviews in a visually captivating grid layout.

4. Design Grid Style-2

Design Grid Style-2 offers an alternative grid layout with distinctive design elements. This style provides an eye-catching way to feature customer reviews in a grid format.

By selecting the appropriate theme for your review widget, you can create a visually appealing and cohesive display of customer reviews that enhances the overall shopping experience on your Shopify store. These theme options allow you to tailor the widget’s appearance to match your brand’s identity and aesthetics.